Welcome to Noemi Nutrition

Choose a professional's help for good results!

I’m excited to share with you from my experience to help you find your own way.

Specialized Nutrition

Personalized diet based on your diagnosis and their specific needs.

Fasting Strategies

Discover the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Individual Support

Receive feedback and follow up directly from me

Your health is important. Stop procrastinating!

About Me

Nutrition with Noemi

I help my clients understand the root of the problem when it comes to why they are gaining weight (stress, bad habits, hormonal disbalances- hormone hunger and insulin, cravings). I want you to understand the underneath root of the problem, not just help you lose weight.

Diet plan according to your characteristics and preferences. Get to know your body and adapt your diet so that it works for you, because there is no one-size-fits-all recipe that works for everyone.

Nutriam Special Offers

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Years Experience
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Patients Helped
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Get the help you need


Online consultation

  • First consultation 45 -60 min: 700 kr
  • Follow-up session 30-40 min (after 3-4 weeks according to need): 550 kr


In-person consultation

  • First consultation 45 -60 min: 850 kr
  • Follow-up session 30-40 min (after 3-4 weeks according to need): 650 kr


Office: Stavanger, Norway (if you want to meet in person).

For conferences, presentations and workshops, feel free to contact me.

What Clients Say

"I would never have known how to lose weight and what to eat, I never had a nutritional education and a stable weight. With Noemi's help I feel how wonderful it is to not be addicted to food! It's an extraordinary feeling and I'm very grateful and happy for our collaboration, it showed me what good, filling and, of course, healthy food means! I wouldn't have succeeded without Noemi, to guide me on my journey to a healthier body!"


"I have been struggling with extra pounds for as long as I can remember, although I have been on countless diets lately, but without results. In addition, I was experiencing severe constipation and bloated from anything I was eating. After following this special diet with intermittent fasting recommended by the nutritionist for 4 months, I lost 11.6 kg and fixed my digestive problems. I am very happy and I feel like a different person!"

Mirela A 39 years old

"I am very grateful for her patience and professionalism. I had severe lower abdominal cramps and after many investigations I ended up working with Noemi. From the first meeting, she understood what I was facing. After a year of inconveniences, in one month of following the diet, I became a different person; I feel very good, I have a lot of energy and I see the importance of food in my life totally differently 😊 Thank you so much!"

Johanna M 26 years old

"After years of investigations and uncertainties related to my health problems (weight loss, bloating, intestinal gas, food intolerances), I managed to regain such a precious state of well-being in a short time. Personally, I am extremely pleased to have benefited from the latest discoveries in the field of probiotics and nutrition, and the team at the clinic was the missing link in the chain of finding HEALTH!"

Adrian 46 years old

"We are talking about the perfect nutritionist! Really without any exaggeration. I have been to many, but Noemi is the only one who managed to help me lose weight. A woman with great patience. She does everything with passion. Her encouragement and appreciation not only helped me lose weight, but also to maintain it. Perhaps this is the most important thing. Maintenance! I recommend Noemi with all my heart."


Asked Questions

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live.

The Choice Is Yours To Make You Healthy

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